
fall in nyc.

.."I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.." Tom Hanks in You've Got Mail.
What fun to see New York in the fall with great friends. Work sent me to the city again, but was able to spend some time playing too. Walking around Park Slope and Carroll Gardens really brought the city into a new light for me. It seemed approachable and even a little home-y...(I think I would like to reside in the apartment with the little green door I found.) I am so proud of my friends for taking a risk and living there..it ain't easy, but what a sweet time full of "seasoning" for their life stories. It was a warm welcome on Carroll St. with some of emily's homemade amish bread. Friday was full of shopping for ribbons, yummy chocolate treats and much more in preparation for Haylie's birthday on Saturday (more pics to follow). We ate yummy food of course, including the Daisy hotdog, from Willie's Dawgs, which features some incredible diorama's to help rescued dogs get adopted...also, the lovely arepas from Caracas in Williamsburg..yum yum yum. Another favorite moment, was spending some quiet time at Central Park. I liked daydreaming of living there and taking the subway to run in the Park...Just as we were settling down next to the water, I looked to my right and saw a boy pull out a tiny box and then saw the sweet hugs that followed. It was so heartwarming. I loved that I snapped a little pic of this sweet couple.


Handmade Design said...

Fun times! I am glad to see that life is treating all of you well. Just in case you don't know who this is it's Janine from SCAD. Keep enjoying everyday!

lovey dovey said...

hi janine! hope you are doing well!! thanks for checkin in on my blog!! lots of love, abby

hayliebird said...

ABBY! I love your photos, they capture your trip and our time together so well. I can't wait to see you again!!