
independence day...

I spent a wonderful weekend at home in Oakland. How is it that I can so easily unwind, forget about my life, and slip right into the small town, rural Nebraska life every time I drive past that "Oakland, The Swedish Capital of Nebraska" sign? Sigh. I guess that is the magic of home. Much of our weekend was spent in the hospital holding hands and singing to my sweet grandfather as he passed away... He is an irreplaceable part of our family but we were able to celebrate so much about his life and legacy. One of my favorite parts about this time of year is obviously the fresh food all around us. We spent alot of time in both my mom's garden at the Little House as well as our neighbor Bill's beautiful, huge garden which he so generously lets us eat from. It is truly a sight to see..rows and rows of lettuce, cabbage, radishes, carrots, potatoes, peas, tomatoes, corn, eggplants, cucumbers..You name it, he has a whole row of it. We also got to visit the farm my mom is now getting fresh cream, eggs and chickens from. I am glad she can support and appreciate what they are doing on their farm. If I didn't have to work every day, I think I would take a few weeks off and go be an "intern" at their farm! Love it. Love the 4th. Love my fam.

1 comment:

hayliebird said...

oh Abby!
the loss of your grandfather is a great one, and i am so glad you could be there- what a beautiful way to exit this world, surrounded by the warmth and the songs of those you love...
those veggies are just lovely too. so vibrant and healthy! this is a visit you will never forget, and a post i will never forget. you and your family are such an inspiration to me. xoxo