
spring is here...finally.

Just another walk around Lake Harriet. I can't believe how beautiful even the dandelions are to me right now. It is as if in a matter of days, every tree has bloomed and every leaf has taken on an amazing yellowly and fresh chartreuse color. It is hard to take it all in...but I'm trying.
A little update, I found a new apartment this weekend, shown above, and it gives me one more thing to be thankful for and excited about for the summer. yay!


heartNouveau said...

Lovely! Holler if/when you'd like help relocating to your charming new abode!

ElizabethUebler said...

It looks lovely!! Is it near lake Harriet? That's what it looks like. But I bet it is perfect. I wish I was moving into the whole white house.

Paige Smith said...

oh my that is the most adorable house ever!! how fun you are going to live there!